Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowsky (1840 – 1893)

The Nutcracker Suite op. 71a

Duet Arrangements for Intermediate to Late Intermediate Pianists

pianoforte a 4 mani
partitura in edizione pratica
№ dell’articolo:
Autore / Compositore:
46 Pagine; 22,5 × 30,5 cm
Editore / Produttore:
N° del produttore:
ALF 16919


A charming tale of a young girl and her beloved nutcracker . . . what better way to celebrate the holiday season than with a piano duet collaboration of great accessible arrangements from The Nutcracker Ballet. Ideal for intermediate to late intermediate pianists, these enjoyable duets are as true to Tchaikovsky's orchestral score as possible, giving each pianist an equally important part wherever feasible. From the first notes of the lively Miniature Overture to the climactic close of Waltz of the Flowers, duet partners and their audiences will enjoy the colorful images conjured by this enduring masterpiece.


  • Arab Dance
  • Chinses Dance
  • Dance of the Reed Flutes
  • Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy
  • Match
  • Miniature Overture
  • Russian Dance
  • Waltz of the Flowers
12,95  €
In magazzino. Tempi di consegna 2–5 giorni lavorativi (Italia)
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