
De Haske Recorder Series

Pizzicato-Polka (Pa+St) (0)Pizzicato-Polka (Pa+St) (1)Pizzicato-Polka (Pa+St) (2)Pizzicato-Polka (Pa+St) (3)
partitura, parti
№ dell’articolo:
tedesco, inglese, francese, olandese
16 Pagine; 30,5 × 22,9 cm
Anno di pubblicazione:
Editore / Produttore:
N° del produttore:
DHP 1064043-070


Originally this work was written for string players, and the title says it all: the strings were played pizzicato, i.e. plucked with the fingers. You can imitate the effect of the ‘short notes’ on the recorder perfectly well.This airy and humorous polka requires a playful performance: experimenting with the tempo is the motto. When it comes to playing together, Pizzicato Polka is not always easy: additional evidence of the quality of the Viennese orchestras of the day. For ensembles that do not have a bass recorder at their disposal, an alternative part for tenor recorder has also been provided. A performance with five recorders is possible as well, using this extra partto reinforce the bass melody. Johann Strauss II wrote the famous Pizzicato Polka together with his brother Josef.

18,99  €
Tempi di consegna: 2–3 settimane
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