Christopher Norton (* 1953)

Microjazz Saxophone Duets


C. Norton: Microjazz Saxophone Duets, 2Asax (Sppa) (0)C. Norton: Microjazz Saxophone Duets, 2Asax (Sppa) (1)C. Norton: Microjazz Saxophone Duets, 2Asax (Sppa) (2)C. Norton: Microjazz Saxophone Duets, 2Asax (Sppa) (3)
2 sassofoni contralti
partitura in edizione pratica
№ dell’articolo:
Autore / Compositore:
50 Pagine; 23,1 × 30,3 cm
Editore / Produttore:
N° del produttore:


Graded pieces for two woodwind instruments in popular contemporary styles such as jazz, blues, rock 'n' roll and reggae. Suitable for intermediate players, each part is of an equal standard. Includes chord symbols for keyboard or guitar accompaniment and suggestions for optional rhythmic backing. Microjazz is the world famous series of pieces based on classical technique yet using popular contemporary styles such as jazz, blues, rock 'n' roll and funk. Microjazz helps you develop musicianship and technique through the familiar sounds and styles of popular music. It is this unique combination of modern genres with traditional technique that has made Microjazz an internationalsuccess with teachers and players, and one of the most widely used educational series ever published. New technology brings Microjazz alive and adds an exciting interactive dimension to practice and performance. Based on classical technique, Microjazz is great way to introduce rhythm and develop co-ordination skills whilst being fun for all ages and standards. A great motivator for the reluctant student, the pieces are equally effective on acoustic or electronic instruments.


  • Cat's Eyes
  • Chase In The Dark
  • Clear Water
  • Funfair
  • Go With The Flow
  • Head In The Clouds
  • High Street Blues
  • Late At Night
  • Lively Lion
  • Moody Max
  • Ol' Man Boogie Blues
  • Polka Dots
  • Promise!
  • Railroad Blues
  • Reggae Stamp
  • Round The Bend
  • Snowball Rag
  • Stargazing
  • Tango Argentina
  • Three-quarter Time
  • Waltz For Alice
  • Warm Starry Nights
  • Warm Up
  • Whistle Stop
17,00  €
Tempi di consegna: 3–6 giorni lavorativi (Italia)
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