Ralf Fiebelkorn

One Step Beyond - Bluesgitarre (DVD)

Kick Off

R. Fiebelkorn: One Step Beyond - Bluesgitarre (DV, Git (DVD) (0)
dvd (video per apprendimento)
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One Step Beyond - Bluesgitarre Advanced is a continuation of Kick Off - Bluesgitarre.
Here all fundamental terms and basic moduls of the Blues are taught in an easy-to-understand way.
This DVD combines fast progress withsolid learning-techniques.

The DVD features:

  • Bluesformen
  • Turnarounds
  • Techniktricks
  • Akkordlicks, Intro & Endings
  • Single-Note-Licks
  • Improvisational concepts

Manytracks and learning-strategies are presented to motivate a creative and self-contained contact with Blues.
Clear camera work out of three perspectives delivers clear and comprehensible pictures of techniques at any time.Italso features Jam-tracks to play-along and try out.

16,40  €
Tempi di consegna: 3–5 settimane
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