Martin Ellerby (* 1957)

Baritone Concerto

Solo concerto

M. Ellerby: Baritone Concerto, Bar/EupBrass (Pa+St) (0)
flicorno baritono [eufonio], banda di ottoni
partitura, parti
№ dell’articolo:
Autore / Compositore:
16 minuti
Anno di creazione:
Editore / Produttore:
N° del produttore:


The work falls into three contrasting movements and was written in close collaboration with Katrina Marzella who commissioned the work in 2007. It was agreed from the outset that the piece should be specifically a ‘Baritone’ Concerto and not a ‘Euphonium’ Concerto masquerading as the former. Having written a Euphonium Concerto (for Steven Mead) over a decade ago it soon became apparent that the two instruments were rather like the cello (euphonium) and viola (baritone) of the orchestral string section and so I approached the work with this concept in mind. The scoring is generally light (with some louder interludes) though in no way is the solo baritone compromised and a full and present sound is always required.


An Allegro ritmico of mixed metres, largely percussion driven, provides the opening movement. The obvious confusion between 8/8 and 4/4, 10/8 and 5/4 etc forms the basis of the ‘fusions’ as they eventually become played (in different families) at the same time. The solo part is agile and lyrical by turn and the concluding bars are somewhat ‘throw-away’ and unresolved.

Soliloquy: Andante cantabile con rubato

The soloist opens the movement unaccompanied, the band soon entering in ever increasing density and emotional involvement with the various themes being developed and adjusted as the journey progresses. This is a pure celebration of the unique cantabile qualities of the baritone inspired by the equally unique ‘voice’ of the work’s dedicatee.

Tangents: Scherzando ominoso e giocoso

The finale’s mood was suggested by the soloist and the composer here takes a different angle from his usual light closes to concertos. As the tempo marking suggests, two contrasting ideas are brought into play and indulge in some competing engagements for centre stage before one of them emerges the victor!

The world premiere was given by Katrina Marzella and the Cincinnati Brass Band conducted by Anita Hunt at the 2008 International Tuba and Euphonium Conference held at the University of Cincinnati, USA on 24 June.

The UK premiere was given by Katrina Marzella and the Leyland Band conducted by Jason Katsikaris at the 2009 RNCM Festival of Brass on 31 January.

95,90  €
Tempi di consegna: 2–3 settimane
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Articoli correlati

M. Ellerby: Baritone Concerto, Bar/EupBrass (Part.)
Martin Ellerby

Baritone Concerto

per: flicorno baritono [eufonio], banda di ottoni


№ dell’articolo: 1021984

80,65  €IVA incl., più costi di spedizione
Tempi di consegna: 2–3 settimane
Placeholder image
Martin Ellerby

Baritone Concerto

per: flicorno baritono [eufonio], banda di ottoni

riduzione per pianoforte, parte di assolo

№ dell’articolo: 1143131

25,00  €IVA incl., più costi di spedizione
Tempi di consegna: 2–3 settimane
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