Jeromy Bessler, Norbert Opgenoorth

Elementary Music Theory

for beginners and advanced

voce [strumento melodico]
libro di testo (con notazione standard)
№ dell’articolo:
Autore / Compositore:
120 Pagine
Anno di pubblicazione:
Editore / Produttore:
N° del produttore:
VOGG 416


The most important basics of music theory explained in an easily understandable way. Some of the topics include: how to read music, intervals, scales, and how the most commonly used instruments create sound. If you always wanted to deepen your understanding of music theory, but somehow never quite got around to it, this is the book to read.

120 pages

Format: DIN A5 / 5.8“ x 8.3“

9,99  €
In magazzino. Tempi di consegna 2–5 giorni lavorativi (Italia)
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