Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)

Triosonate und Canon perpetuus aus dem Musikalischen Opfer BWV 1079 Nr. 8 und 9

BWV 1079 Nr. 8 und 9

J.S. Bach: Triosonate und Canon perpetuus aus dem Mu, FlVlBc (0)J.S. Bach: Triosonate und Canon perpetuus aus dem Mu, FlVlBc (1)J.S. Bach: Triosonate und Canon perpetuus aus dem Mu, FlVlBc (2)J.S. Bach: Triosonate und Canon perpetuus aus dem Mu, FlVlBc (3)J.S. Bach: Triosonate und Canon perpetuus aus dem Mu, FlVlBc (4)J.S. Bach: Triosonate und Canon perpetuus aus dem Mu, FlVlBc (5)
flauto, violino, basso continuo
№ dell’articolo:
Autore / Compositore:
Editore / Produttore:
N° del produttore:
HN 294


Bach’s Trio Sonata for flute, violin and basso continuo from the Musical Offering is probably the pre-eminent trio sonata in music history. When Bach met King Frederick the Great in Potsdam in 1747, the sovereign presented the composer with the celebrated “Royal Theme”, composed by himself. It underpins the entire Musical Offering, which also contains several fugues and canons as well as the Trio Sonata. The Canon perpetuus that follows the Trio can also be played by a trio. The term “perpetuus” here means that the performers themselves are to determine when the canon ends.


Trio Sonata from the musical offering for Flute, Violin and Basso Continuo BWV 1079 Nr. 8 - Canon Perpetuus from the Musical Offering for Flute, Violin and Basso Continuo BWV 1079 Nr. 9

20,00  €
In magazzino. Tempi di consegna 2–5 giorni lavorativi (Italia)
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