Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714 – 1788)

Flute Concerto d minor

H.484.1 (Wq 22)

C.P.E. Bach: Flötenkonzert d-moll, FlOrch (KASt) (0)C.P.E. Bach: Flötenkonzert d-moll, FlOrch (KASt) (1)C.P.E. Bach: Flötenkonzert d-moll, FlOrch (KASt) (2)C.P.E. Bach: Flötenkonzert d-moll, FlOrch (KASt) (3)
flauto, orchestra
riduzione per pianoforte, parte di assolo (edizione Urtext)
№ dell’articolo:
Autore / Compositore:
Spartito per pianoforte:
58 Pagine; 23,5 × 31 cm
Anno di pubblicazione:
Editore / Produttore:
N° del produttore:
HN 1207


Of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach’s flute concertos, the one in d minor is by far the best known, even though its authenticity has been repeatedly doubted. A version of the same concerto for harpsichord and orchestra is “genuine C.P.E.” and this has always been regarded as the original version. An in-depth study of all source findings does, however, suggest that Bach composed the flute version first.

Our editor, the flautist András Adorján, is thus able to present a musical text in which many transmission errors have been eliminated. The edition is rounded off by a preface from the C.P.E. Bach specialist Wolfram Enßlin.

18,50  €
In magazzino. Tempi di consegna 2–5 giorni lavorativi (Italia)
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