Swinging Folksongs for Violin

plus CD mit Playbacks und Klavierstimme zum Ausdrucken

Swinging Folksongs for Violin , Viol (0)
№ dell’articolo:
Achim Brochhausen, Dirko Juchem, Brochhausen, Achim / Juchem, Dirko
26 Pagine
Anno di pubblicazione:
Editore / Produttore:
N° del produttore:
ED 20128


Quite a different sort of well-known folk songs: Newly arranged for melodic instrument and piano, slightly jazzy and mixed with pop music elements - making the well-known songs sound fresh and interesting again! All pieces have a very melodic character and sound very pleasant even without piano accompaniment. This is why they are particularly suited for being used in class. The music of the piano accompaniment is available on CD as PDF files and can be printed in professional quality. The CD also contains backing tracks recorded of each piece - perfect live feeling guaranteed! For all lovers of the 'crossover' between folk, jazz and pop - by Schott's best-selling author Dirko Juchem who has been active as a saxophonist, saxophone teacher and specialist author nationally and internationally for many years.


  • Wade In The Water
  • Sur Le Pont d'Avignon
  • Aura Lee
  • La Femme Qui Rit
  • Mexican Hat Dance
  • Carnival of Venice
  • Amazing Grace
  • Plaisir d'Amour
  • Morning Has Broken
  • Scarborough Fair
  • House Of The Rising Sun
  • Greensleeves
20,00  €
Tempi di consegna: 3–6 giorni lavorativi (Italia)
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