Jean-Paul Holstein (* 1939), Alain Louvier (* 1945)

Musiques à Chanter Vol 1 Du Plain-Chant à Bach

Pour les Choeurs de Formation Musicale - Niveau facile, cycle 1

J.-P. Holstein: Musiques à Chanter Vol 1 Du Plain-Chant (KA) (0)
Junior Choir
riduzione per pianoforte
№ dell’articolo:
Autore / Compositore:
38 Pagine
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Jean-Paul Holstein, Pierre-Yves Level and Alain Louvier compile an exciting series to aid vocalists in their understanding of compositions from Plainchant to the present day. Volume one gives focus to the era from Plainchant toJohann Sebastian Bach. This first volume within Music for Voice for Music Theory classes is suitable for beginner vocalists, with a preface given by Olivier Messiaen. This first volume includes works by Bach, Couperin, Handel,Gluck, Lully and Montverdi, among other famous composers. For all vocalists seeking to better understand the history and context of the music they address, Holstein, Level and Louvier's Music for Voice for Music Theory classesensures a necessary understanding.

23,99  €
Tempi di consegna: 3–5 settimane
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