Yannik Helm (* 1992)

4 Hexenlieder

voce (soprano), orchestra di fiati
partitura, parti
№ dell’articolo:
Autore / Compositore:
10 minuti
Editore / Produttore:
N° del produttore:


Not far from the composer’s hometown lies the small village of Steinau an der Straße; the birthplace of the Brothers Grimm, who have made their way into most children’s bedrooms with their collection of fairy tales. One of the most popular characters in Grimm’s stories is the witch. She is portrayed in various tales with nuanced differences – from the witch who lures children to eat them (Hansel and Gretel), to the one who inflicts suffering on humans and animals with her magic, to the seemingly friendly woman – as in Rapunzel – who only reveals her true nature when the girl wants to leave her for a lover. This piece is inspired by all these witches. While the first three songs depict the essence of the evil character in the fairy tale, the last piece takes a look behind the fa-cade.

The lyrics are predominantly humorous, so you don’t have to be afraid to listen to the songs. Neither in the concert hall nor in the gingerbread house. Nothing will happen to you – I promise.

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