William Bell (1902 – 1971)

Artistic Solos and Duets

from the "William Bell complete Tuba Method"

W. Bell: Artistic Solos and Duets, 1-2Tb/Bar/Po (Sppa) (0)W. Bell: Artistic Solos and Duets, 1-2Tb/Bar/Po (Sppa) (1)W. Bell: Artistic Solos and Duets, 1-2Tb/Bar/Po (Sppa) (2)W. Bell: Artistic Solos and Duets, 1-2Tb/Bar/Po (Sppa) (3)
1-2 tube [flicorni tenori/tromboni]
partitura in edizione pratica
№ dell’articolo:
Autore / Compositore:
60 Pagine; 21,8 × 28 cm
Editore / Produttore:
N° del produttore:


Bell's Artistic Solo and Duets for Tuba, Baritone, or Trombone is jammed full of solos, theme and variations, duets, and all manner of performance material for low brass. It has so much in it it can be hard to give a full outline, but I will give a list as best as I can below.


  • Carnival of Venice Variations
  • 12 Phrasing Melodies
  • 13 Duets
  • 2 Marcello Sonatas
  • Bach Suites 1 & 3
  • Gus the Hippo and Tuba Man Solos
26,18  €
Tempi di consegna: 1–2 mesi
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